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Josh, Marty and Toby Penner

Type: Pop

Albums: Jake (2000)

"Jake" Cd Review:

Jake, an effective three-man team of brothers, offers positive lyrics on timely topics for teenage listeners, as well as one or two atypical gems. Because many of Jake’s songs make generic references to God, a listener may not immediately pick up on the Christian influences. What is apparent is its struggle with universal issues like faith, dreams, dating, love and tragedy.

Some of Jake’s music fits the boy band image. For example, "The One" is a catchy song with a pop-rock beat where the words match happy rhythms by encouraging listeners to follow the dreams that God has instilled in them. "Melt Me," on the other hand, is a metaphor for the Christian conversion experience, combining surreal lyrics, driving guitars and minor-key harmonies that create the musical sensation of what a melting soul before the gaze of God might be like. A solid first effort, Jake includes music with which just about everyone can identify.


Let's meet the members of Jake...

.#.Toby Penner.#.

The oldest of the three guys.

<>< Josh Penner ><>

He is one of the twins, he's older than Marty by 18 minutes.

*+*Marty Penner*+*

He is the other twin, duh! LOL

He also is engaged and he can play the 'lemon' very well. :o)

       More Pictures of Jake!        

Some Pictures of them at SWC 2001

Sound Check>

And Here's Jake....

Some pictures of them at the Air1 booth.>


Here is Jake at the K-Love booth, with the K-Love Notes.
Professional Pictures
Here is a really fun comic of their journey from Canada to Nashville, Tenn.