Indie Artists

About Me
Aaron Benward
All Together Separate
Indie Bands
Jaci V.
Joy Williams
Nifty Tom Fifty
Riley Armstrong
Rachael Lampa
Relient K
Stacie Orrico
Steven Curtis Chapman
Link To Me


     You might be asking, "Who are Indie Artists?"  Well, Indie is short for Independent.  This means that they aren't signed with a Major Record Company or one at all.  There are many Christian Music Artists out there that make CDs right out of their homes, garages or many other places.  On this page you can see some of the different artists out in the world!  If you are an Indie Artist yourself, email me so I can put you up here!



Album: Stating the Obvious

Based in Albany, Oregon, the electronic band Midiboy has entered the music scene determined to have its music and message heard.  Even with the label of “electronic” the music is not so easily classified.  As described by James McGinnis for Ballistic Test ‘Zine, the music of Midiboy is a “unique blend of synth-pop melodies, electronica-flavored synths and fuzzy, industrial-sounding guitars, and lightly distorted vocals.”  Altogether the music of Midiboy transcends the classic boundaries of any one genre, creating a sound that is sure to please fans of modern rock, dance, and pop.

Midiboy is comprised of Gregg Hart and Joe Flint.  On the current project all of the music was composed and performed by Gregg and the majority of the lyrics were written by Joe.  Gregg also serves as the primary vocalist with Joe supplying some background vocals. 

Note from the webmaster: Gregg Hart is my mom's best friends husband.  He is an awesome guy and awesome musician! Check him out!










Background from Nilsson's Site